Spring day in Kyoto
ノスタルジックな空気感とシティポップな若者たちのイラストで人気の西尾彰典とCiaolinkのコラボレートピクチャー"Spring day in Kyoto"。西尾彰典が描く桜が舞う春の京都を観光する人々と京都の名所をCiaolinkの特徴である繊細なエンボス加工で表現したピクチャーコレクションです。
Our new collaborative picture "Spring Day in Kyoto" by the popular illustrator Akinori Nishio captures a nostalgic atmosphere and youthful city pop vibe. It showcases Nishio's depiction of springtime Kyoto with cherry blossoms fluttering in the air, visitors enjoying the sights, and iconic landmarks of the city. Ciaolink enhances the artwork with our signature delicate embossing techniques, bringing the picture collection to life with exquisite detail.
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